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Best Vietnam Traditional Food: 15 Must-Try Vietnam Dishes

Written by Celine Schneider|Updated: 2024-05-23

There's no doubt that Vietnamese food is among the best in the world. One reason for this may be the vibrant flavors, fresh ingredients, and unique culinary traditions. From north to south, Vietnam offers a fascinating array of traditional dishes that leave a lasting impression on food lovers.

But what are the best traditional Vietnamese foods? From popular dishes like Pho and Banh Mi to lesser-known delicacies like Bun Bo Hue and Ca Kho To, there is a Vietnamese dish to suit everyone.

Explore this comprehensive traditional Vietnamese food guide, covering the best Vietnam dishes from the north to the south and the central regions of Vietnam, and embark on an unforgettable culinary journey. Don't leave the country without trying these foods; otherwise, you'll be missing out.

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  • triangleNorthern Vietnamese Food: Classic Vietnamese Dishes
  • triangleSouthern Vietnamese Food: A Delightful Fusion of Flavors
  • triangleCentral Vietnamese Food: Traditional and Unique Tasty
  • triangleTravel with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) to Explore Vietnam

Northern Vietnamese Food: Classic Vietnamese Dishes

In Northern Vietnam, you can discover a wide array of authentic Vietnamese cuisine. The food in this region is known for its delicate flavors and emphasis on natural ingredients. The capital city of Hanoi serves as the epicenter of Northern Vietnamese gastronomy.

Indulge in refined rice noodle dishes like Bun Cha, which features grilled pork accompanied by fresh herbs. The savory meat soups, such as Pho Bo (beef noodle soup), have a lighter taste and often come with tender beef slices. Don't forget to try Banh Cuon, soft steamed rice rolls filled with delicious minced pork. Throughout Hanoi, you'll find numerous street vendors and family-owned restaurants serving piping-hot traditional dishes for you to savor.

No.1 Pho: National Traditional Dish

Pho is one of Vietnam's most famous delicacies
Pho is one of Vietnam's most famous delicacies
Pho, Typical Vietnamese Food
Pho, Typical Vietnamese Food

Pho, the national dish of Vietnam, is a steaming bowl of comfort. Rice noodles with savory broth and tender meat are one of the most iconic and beloved traditional foods of Vietnam.

Originating in northern Vietnam in the early 20th century, its clear beef broth is simmered for hours with star anise and ginger. Thinly sliced beef is cooked in the hot broth to a perfect medium-rare, resulting in melt-in-your-mouth tenderness.

Without a vibrant medley of fresh herbs and bean sprouts, pho is never complete. Mint, basil, and cilantro add refreshing flavors, while bean sprouts provide a delightful contrast in texture. Squeezing a bit of lime and adding a dollop of chili sauce are optional additions, allowing you to customize the dish according to your taste preferences.

Pho is often enjoyed as a comforting breakfast or a satisfying meal at any time. Its popularity and ubiquity in Vietnam make it a must-try dish for anyone seeking an authentic taste of Vietnamese cuisine.

No.2 Bun Cha

Bun Cha is a traditional street food from Hanoi
Bun Cha is a traditional street food from Hanoi
Bun Cha
Bun Cha

Bun Cha is a traditional street food from Hanoi, Vietnam, which has gained international acclaim through various food shows. Originating in the northern region, Bun Cha consists of grilled pork patties, vermicelli noodles, fresh herbs, and a dipping sauce.

The highlight of this dish is the charcoal-grilled marinated pork, resulting in a smoky depth of flavor. The succulent pork is served with rice vermicelli, fresh herbs, and a rich and sweet dipping sauce, creating a refreshing and delightful combination. Bun Cha offers a quintessential Vietnamese culinary experience, capturing the essence of street food culture and showcasing the country's dedication to bold and vibrant flavors.

No.3 Bun Thang: A Hanoi Masterpiece in a Bowl

Bun Thang, a specialty of Hanoi, isn't your average noodle soup. This dish is a symphony of textures and flavors, showcasing the refined elegance of Northern Vietnamese cuisine. Its origins are unclear, but its delicate presentation suggests that Hanoi's elite might have enjoyed it.

The star of the show is the clear chicken broth, simmered with ginger and star anise for a subtle sweetness and light fragrance. Thin rice noodles provide a contrasting texture, their smooth chew complementing the broth's lightness. Shredded, poached chicken adds a tender protein element, while a wispy omelet offers a soft counterpoint.

The magic truly lies in the intricate toppings. Thinly sliced fried spring rolls bring a delightful crunch and savory flavor, while fresh herbs like mint, coriander, and Vietnamese basil add vibrant pops of color and refreshing notes. Crushed peanuts offer a touch of richness and satisfying texture, while a dollop of shrimp paste adds a subtle umami depth. Every bite of Bún Thang explores textures and flavors, a testament to the delicate artistry of Vietnamese cooking.

No.4 Bahn Da Cua

Bun Thang is a hidden traditional delicacy of Hanoi
Bun Thang is a hidden traditional delicacy of Hanoi
Banh Da Cua (Crab Noodle Soup)
Banh Da Cua (Crab Noodle Soup)

If you're a seafood enthusiast, Banh Da Cua (Crab Noodle Soup) will surely satisfy your cravings and leave you wanting more. Originating from the northern regions, particularly Hai Phong and Quang Ninh, it is a beloved specialty that showcases the coastal flavors.

Banh Da Cua is a dish centered around succulent crab meat, served in a flavorful broth, and accompanied by Banh Da, a type of flat rice noodle. The broth is carefully prepared by simmering a blend of aromatic spices, herbs, and local ingredients, resulting in a delicious and fragrant base.

When presented, Banh Da Cua is visually captivating. The vibrant red hue of the crab meat stands out against the pale noodles and rich broth.

Southern Vietnamese Food: A Delightful Fusion of Flavors

Many European and American tourists often consider Southern Vietnam as the true culinary paradise of Vietnam. The slightly sweet flavors and the aromatic herbs produced in the Mekong Delta region add a lot of character to Southern Vietnamese cuisine.

You'll easily notice how Vietnamese cuisine in the South has incorporated some elements from French cuisine, resulting in amazing culinary creations. One notable example is the world-famous Banh Mi, often regarded as the best sandwich in the world.

No.5 Banh Mi

Bahn Mi is one of the most delicious sandwiches in the world
Bahn Mi is one of the most delicious sandwiches in the world
Banh Mi, Vietnam
Banh Mi, Vietnam

Banh Mi can be considered one of the most famous delicacies in Vietnam. It is indeed a French-inspired baguette sandwich. However, it is far from simple. Banh Mi, with its unique blend of flavors, has surpassed many other sandwich varieties.

This iconic street food is a delightful fusion of French and Vietnamese influences. A toasted baguette holds a delicious medley of savory fillings like pate, grilled pork, pickled vegetables, and creamy mayonnaise, offering a symphony of textures and tastes in every bite. Even vegetarians can enjoy a range of recipes, with "Banh Mi Chay" being a perfect choice for them.

Nowadays, you can find a Banh Mi restaurant in every corner of Vietnam, and they are almost always delicious. Apart from the original Banh Mi Huynh Hoa in Ho Chi Minh City, which is a must-visit for both tourists and locals, there is also Banh Mi Queen—Madam Khanh in Hoi An, renowned for her special secret sauce. In Hanoi, Banh Mi Pho Hue is considered the best sandwich in the city.

No.6 Goi Cuon (Vietnamese spring roll)

Goi Cuon, Typical Vietnamese Food
Goi Cuon, Typical Vietnamese Food
Goi Coun is the shining star of Vietnamese cuisine
Goi Coun is the shining star of Vietnamese cuisine

Goi Cuon, also known as fresh spring rolls, is a vibrant and healthy appetizer that embodies the fresh flavors of Southern Vietnamese cuisine. Unlike their deep-fried counterparts, Gỏi Cuốn is light and refreshing, perfect for a hot summer day. Their origins likely trace back to ancient Champa cuisine, a kingdom that once flourished in central Vietnam.

Each translucent rice paper wrapper encases a delightful combination of textures and tastes. Typically, you'll find juicy shrimp, bringing a touch of sweetness from the sea. Thinly sliced pork adds a savory element, while fresh herbs like mint and basil burst with flavor in every bite. Vermicelli noodles provide a satisfying chew, and julienned vegetables like carrots and lettuce add a refreshing crunch.

Gỏi Cuón is enjoyed throughout Vietnam, but it truly shines in the south. You can find them at almost any street vendor or local restaurant. Head to Ho Chi Minh City, the heart of southern Vietnam, and explore Ben Thanh Market or any night market for a truly authentic experience. Dip your Gỏi Cuón in a sweet and savory fish sauce dressing for an explosion of flavor, and enjoy a taste of fresh, southern Vietnamese cuisine.

No.7 Com Tam

Cơm Tấm, literally meaning "broken rice," is a staple dish in Southern Vietnamese cuisine. Unlike the more expensive whole rice, broken rice was historically a budget-friendly option. But don't let the name fool you, Cơm Tấm is a flavorful and satisfying meal.

The star of the show is fragrant, broken rice, steamed to fluffy perfection. This is then topped with a variety of delicious ingredients. Grilled pork, marinated in a sweet and savory sauce, takes center stage. Its smoky and savory flavors pair perfectly with the rice. Shredded pork skin adds a delightful salty crunch, and a fried egg brings richness to the dish. Pickled vegetables like carrots and radishes offer a refreshing contrast, while fresh herbs like cilantro and mint add a burst of color and aroma.

Cơm Tấm is a true street food icon, readily available at countless vendors and restaurants across southern Vietnam. Head to Ho Chi Minh City, a haven for street food, and explore Ben Thanh Market or any night market. Look for stalls with steaming pots of rice and sizzling grills – that's your sign!

No.8 Banh Xeo

Banh Xeo (sizzling pancake)
Banh Xeo (sizzling pancake)
Banh Xeo is beloved throughout southern and central Vietnam
Banh Xeo is beloved throughout southern and central Vietnam

Banh Xeo, meaning "sizzling pancake" or "pancake," is named after the sizzling sound it makes when the batter is poured into the hot pan. This vibrant dish offers a delightful texture and flavor, making it a must-try for any culinary adventurer.

A turmeric-dyed rice flour batter is cooked in a pan, creating a crispy exterior that gives way to a soft interior. The pancake is then filled with a flavorful combination of pork, shrimp, bean sprouts, and herbs.

Banh Xeo is beloved throughout southern and central Vietnam. Look for stalls with iron pans and colorful signs featuring the iconic Bánh Xèo image. Some popular places include Banh Xeo Muoi Xiem in Ho Chi Minh City, Banh Xeo Ba Duong in Da Nang, or explore local markets in Can Tho. Dip your creations into the sweet and savory fish sauce for an extra burst of flavor.

No.9 Hu Tieu Nam Vang

In almost every Vietnamese or Cambodian restaurant in southern Vietnam, you will often find Hu Tieu Nam Vang on the menu, along with diners enjoying it. It is worth mentioning that Hu Tieu Nam Vang is named after the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, with "Nam Vang" meaning "Phnom Penh" in Vietnamese.

You can have it for any meal of the day. The highlight of Hu Tieu Nam Vang is its light rice noodles and delicious broth, typically made from pork bones and seafood. The soup is generously adorned with juicy pork liver slices, cooked pork, stir-fried minced pork, quail eggs, fried shallots, garlic, boiled shrimp, and various herbs and vegetables. Its popularity is evident due to its flavorful and abundant meat ingredients. And, of course, its affordable price can be another reason.

In District 1, the central area of Ho Chi Minh City, it is easy to find this delicacy. Some popular places include Hu Tieu Nam Vang Ngoc Anh in Ho Chi Minh City and Hu Tieu Nam Vang Ba Duc in Can Tho.

No.10 Banh Can

Banh Can
Banh Can
Bahn Can, a bite-sized delicious pancakes
Bahn Can, a bite-sized delicious pancakes

Banh Can is very similar to Banh Xeo, but it is much smaller and thicker. These bite-sized delicious pancakes create a delightful contrast in texture and flavor.

The magic lies in the small clay or cast iron molds with circular indentations. Thin rice flour batter is poured into the molds, usually topped with a shrimp or a quail egg. The pancakes cook quickly, with a crispy outer layer and a soft, slightly chewy interior.

The toppings are what truly elevate the quality of Banh Can. The savory dipping sauce is typically made with fish sauce, sugar, lime juice, and chili, adding a sweet, rich, and spicy taste. Fresh herbs like mint and cilantro bring bursts of color and aroma. You can also add shredded meat or crushed peanuts to enhance the flavor and texture.

No.11 Che

Chè, pronounced "kay," isn't just a dessert; it's a beloved tradition in Southern Vietnamese cuisine. These sweet soups or puddings offer a vibrant explosion of flavors and textures, perfect for a refreshing end to a meal or a delightful afternoon snack. Their origins likely trace back to ancient royal courts, evolving into a diverse array of regional specialties.

Southern Chè boasts a unique character. Coconut milk often forms the base, creating a creamy and slightly sweet foundation. From there, the possibilities are endless. You might find chewy tapioca pearls, vibrant jellies made from seaweed agar, or subtly sweet mung beans. Chè can also feature tropical fruits like jackfruit or durian, offering bursts of fresh, exotic flavors. Toasted mung beans or shaved ice may be added for a delightful textural contrast.

Central Vietnamese Food: Traditional and Unique Tasty

If you're looking to embark on a traditional and unique culinary journey through Vietnam, Central Vietnam is your perfect choice. Known for its spicy and slightly salty flavors, Central Vietnamese cuisine has been influenced by Chinese and Japanese dishes, resulting in a distinct and daring food style. Some delicacies can only be savored in Central Vietnam.

Get ready to experience fragrant meat soups simmered with lemongrass and chili, vibrant rice dishes, and inventive noodle creations. Seafood takes center stage, often grilled or steamed to perfection and accompanied by rich dipping sauces. Dive into the delicious world of Hoi An, Danang, Hue, and the surrounding areas—each bite will take you on a journey through the rich cultural tapestry of Central Vietnam.

No.12 Bun Bo Hue

Bun Bo Hue is known for its slightly spicy flavor
Bun Bo Hue is known for its slightly spicy flavor
Bun Bo Hue
Bun Bo Hue

Bun Bo Hue from the former imperial capital of Hue is a spicy Vietnamese noodle soup that some consider to be the cousin of pho, a beloved dish for spice enthusiasts. Especially when the weather turns cold, it can be quite addictive.

The rich broth is slow-cooked with a combination of beef, pork, and lemongrass, resulting in a flavorful base. Thick rice noodles, beef slices, and herbs complete this deliciously aromatic soup.

Sometimes, this dish also includes cubes of coagulated pig's blood as an additional ingredient. Bun Bo Hue O Ty is a renowned restaurant famous for serving authentic and delicious Bun Bo Hue noodles. Bun Bo Hue O Cuong is also a must-visit destination for Vietnamese iconic soup and noodle enthusiasts.

No.13 Cau Lau

Craving to taste Vietnam's unique traditional cuisine? Look no further than Hoi An Ancient Town, where Cao Lau is your ultimate choice. This dish is considered the most iconic and mysterious in Vietnam and consists of noodles, char siu pork slices, vegetables, and crunchy fried dough.

Doesn't sound too special, does it? The mystique of Cao Lau lies in its unique texture. The chewy thick noodles are soaked in an alkaline solution, giving them a delightful elasticity. It is said that authentic Cao Lau only uses water from the ancient Ba Le well in Hoi An. The exact recipe is also a secret, known only to a few.

Therefore, Cao Lau may be a delicacy you can only taste in and around Hoi An, Vietnam, making it well worth your visit. You can find this dish in the old town area of Hoi An, where family-run restaurants serve up steaming bowls of this local treasure.

Cau Lau is a local delicacy in Hoi An
Cau Lau is a local delicacy in Hoi An
Cao Lau
Cao Lau

No.14 Mi Quang

Warm your soul with Mi Quang, a beloved noodle soup from Central Vietnam, particularly Quang Nam province. This comforting dish is a staple for locals and a must-try for visitors.

Rice noodles, colored a vibrant yellow by turmeric, bathe in a rich, flavorful broth. Tender chicken or pork adds protein, while fresh herbs like basil, coriander, and sliced banana blossom bring a delightful mix of peppery, citrusy, and slightly sweet notes. Peanuts add a touch of earthiness, and a sprinkle of crispy rice crackers provides a satisfying crunch. Find steaming bowls of Mi Quang at street vendors and local restaurants throughout Quang Nam, Da Nang, and Hoi An.

No.15 Com Hen

Dive into Hue's imperial past with Com Hen, a delightful rice dish that's a true local favorite. This specialty features tiny freshwater clams (basket clams) simmered with fragrant aromatics. The cooked clams lend a subtle sweetness to the fluffy rice, while chopped peanuts add a delightful nuttiness. A surprise textural contrast comes from crispy pork rinds, and a touch of sourness from starfruit balances it all out.

Find this unique dish at street vendors and small restaurants throughout Hue, especially around Hoa Dong Hoa Vien cemetery, known for its concentration of Com Hen stalls.

Travel with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) to Explore Vietnam

Travel to Vietnam with Asia Odyssey Travel (AOT) and immerse yourself in the captivating beauty and rich culture of Vietnam. As a trusted travel partner with over a decade of experience in the region, AOT offers a wide range of customizable Vietnam tour packages to cater to the preferences of every traveler. Whether you're seeking a family adventure, a romantic getaway, or a deep dive into Vietnam's history and cuisine, AOT has the expertise to create the perfect itinerary for you.

Popular destinations:

Hanoi, Halong Bay, Hoi An, Ho Chi Minh City, Mekong Delta

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Personalized experiences: AOT's team of travel experts will work closely with you to tailor a Vietnam itinerary that aligns with your interests, budget, and travel style. Whether you're seeking off-the-beaten-path adventures or luxurious accommodations, we will ensure your Vietnam journey is truly unforgettable.

Seamless logistics: From flights and transportation to accommodations and local guides, AOT takes care of all the logistical details, allowing you to relax and fully immerse yourself in the wonders of Vietnam.

Embark on an extraordinary adventure with Asia Odyssey Travel and explore the beauty, culture, and warm hospitality of Vietnam. Contact us today to start planning your dream vacation.

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