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Huangshan Mountain | Yellow Mountain Hiking, Hotel, Map, Best Time

Written by Senior Expert Felicia|Updated: 2024-04-26

Huangshan Mountain, also known as Yellow Mountain or Mt. Huangshan, is a renowned UNESCO World Heritage Site located in Huangshan City, the southern part of Anhui Province, China . It has gained fame as one of the country's Ten Most Famous Mountains.

Huangshan Mountain is celebrated for its astonishing natural wonders. Among them are the twisted and ancient pine trees, the peculiarly shaped rocks, the ethereal sea of clouds, the soothing hot springs, and the enchanting winter snow. These elements combine to create a destination that truly captivates all who visit.

When exploring Huangshan Mountain, immerse yourself in the stunning landscapes and embark on hikes along the scenic trails. As you traverse the mountain, you'll bear witness to awe-inspiring sunrises and sunsets that paint the sky with breathtaking hues.

Prepare to be mesmerized by the natural wonders of Huangshan Mountain. It promises an unforgettable experience for nature enthusiasts, photographers, and anyone seeking to be immersed in the unrivaled splendor of China 's loveliest mountain. Check out the ultimate travel guide to Huangshan Mountain to learn about the facts, the best things to do, hiking trails, the best time to visit, the travel map, and where to stay before heading to Yellow Mountain.

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  • triangleMount Huangshan Facts & History
  • triangleWhy Visit Huangshan Mountain (Yellow Mountain)
  • triangleThings to Do at Mount Huangshan
  • triangleBest Scenic Areas in Huangshan Mountain
  • triangleHow to Plan A Huangshan Mountain Hiking Tour
  • triangleBest Time to Visit Huangshan Mountain
  • triangleWhere is Yellow Mountain in China and How to Get There?
  • triangleWhere to Stay in Mount Huangshan (Huangshan Hotel)
  • triangleTips for Visiting the Yellow Mountain
  • triangleExplore Huangshan with Local-based Asia Odyssey Travel

Mount Huangshan Facts & History

Chinese: Huang Shan (黄山)

Height: The highest peak, Lotus Peak (莲花峰), reaches 1,864 meters (6,115 feet)

Best Time to Visit: All year round, especially in spring and autumn

Opening Time: 7:00 - 17:00 on weekdays, 6:30 – 17:30 on weekends and holidays

Suggested Visiting Length: 1 or 2 days

Ticket: CN¥190/US$30

Location: About 50 km (30 miles) north of Huangshan City, Anhui province, Eastern China

Huangshan, originally known as Yishan (黟山), derived its name from the blackish-green color of its peaks and rocks. In the year 747 AD, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang (唐玄宗), who held a strong belief in Taoism changed the name to Yellow Mountain after the Yellow Emperor (轩辕黄帝) - the founder of Taoism.

More than 400 years ago during the Ming Dynasty, Xu Xiake, a renowned geographer and traveler visited Huangshan Mountain twice and uttered the famous phrase, "After visiting the Five Sacred Mountains, one does not need to see any other mountains; after visiting Huangshan, one does not need to see the Five Sacred Mountains." This is sufficient to illustrate the status and importance of Huangshan Mountain among the famous mountains in China.

Nowadays, visitors admire Huangshan Mountain's breathtaking beauty and appreciate its esteemed reputation in traditional Chinese paintings, poetry, and literature. Huangshan Mountain has earned its place among the four must-see destinations for every Chinese, along with the Yellow River, the Yangtze River Tours, and Great Wall , as immortalized in a famous song.

Huangshan tour
The sea of clouds is a landmark of Huangshan
Huangshan tour
The two highest peak in Huangshan is Celestial Capital Peak and Lotus Peak

Why Visit Huangshan Mountain (Yellow Mountain)

Huangshan Mountain is renowned for its awe-inspiring natural beauty. The mountain features unique granite peaks, ancient pine trees, a sea of clouds, winter snow, and stunning sunrises. The landscape is often shrouded in mist, creating a mystical atmosphere. The combination of dramatic rock formations, lush vegetation, and panoramic views make Huangshan a paradise for nature lovers and photographers.

1. Twisted and Ancient Pines: The Symbol of Mt. Huangshan

The pine trees of Huangshan Mountain symbolize its majestic landscape. These pines are uniquely shaped, with twisted branches resembling "natural bonsai," showcasing their innate beauty without artificial embellishments.

The Greeting Guest Pine, prominently located on the left side of Yupinglou (Jade Screen Tower), embodies the spirit of hospitality. Its branches spread open like the welcoming embrace of a gracious host, symbolically inviting visitors from all corners of the world to explore the wonders of Huangshan. Regarded as a national treasure, the Greeting Guest Pine holds immense cultural significance. Its image is often replicated in cross-stitch embroideries and various other objects, adorning many households as a representation of Huangshan's natural beauty.


You will see the Greeting Guest Pine after 20 minutes of hiking from the Yuping Cableway. Be careful when you hike to the platform as the steps there are narrow, steep, and crowded.

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Greeting Guest Pine, the most famous in Huangshan
Huangshan tour
Pine trees in Huangshan grow on the cliffs

2. Oddly-Shaped Rocks: Renowned for Unusual Shapes

Huangshan Mountain is renowned for its abundant and unique collection of bizarre rocks, which come in various shapes and sizes, resembling humans or objects. These rocks offer captivating perspectives that change depending on the viewing angle.

The Flying Over Rock, situated between Bright Summit and Paiyun Peak, is a prominent landmark of Huangshan. Rising 12 meters in height and weighing 600 tons, it precariously balances on a small contact area with the mountain base. Despite its appearance of imminent collapse, the rock stands unwavering, creating a truly enchanting and magical spectacle.


The stairs to the Flying Over Rock are very narrow and steep, allowing only one person to pass through at a time. Be careful when climbing up and down.

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The flying over rock on the top mountain
Huangshan tour
Stone monkey watching the sea

3. The Sea of Clouds - A Dreamlike and Enchanting Natural Wonder

The Sea of Clouds plays a significant role in creating the ethereal atmosphere that defines Huangshan as the Earthly Paradise. This natural phenomenon transforms the peaks into enchanting islands floating in the sky. As visitors traverse through the various peaks of Huangshan, they are immersed in a surreal experience, as if walking on clouds and becoming part of this magical landscape.

To fully appreciate this mesmerizing phenomenon, best time to visit is from November to May, particularly after rainy or snowy days, during the magical moments of sunrise or sunset. Celestial Capital Peak (1,800 m / 5,900 ft), Lotus Peak (1,873 m / 6,145 ft), and Bright Summit (1,841 m / 6,040 ft) are the three tallest peaks, and the best locations to see the stunning seas of cloud.


Lotus Peak will be closed from 2024 to 2029, while Celestial Capital Peak will reopen during these five years, providing visitors an opportunity to witness the awe-inspiring beauty of the seas of clouds.

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The sea of clouds make the peaks like islands floating in the sky
Huangshan tour
The sea of clouds are marvellous and majestic

4. Winter Snow - Good to Visit Huangshan Mountain in Winter

Huangshan Mountain in winter undergoes a mesmerizing transformation into a magical snowy paradise, where nature's artistry is on full display. Delicate snowflakes gracefully cover every peak, tree, and rock, creating a breathtaking spectacle. The pines become adorned with crystal-clear rime, resembling glistening jewels. This winter wonderland is further enhanced by the presence of a magnificent sea of clouds, adding an ethereal touch to the landscape.

The months from December to February offer the best opportunity to witness the enchanting winter snow and captivating sea of clouds at Huangshan . During this period, there is also a higher likelihood of experiencing stunning sunrises and sunsets, as the interplay of light and the snowy landscape create awe-inspiring vistas.


The snowy conditions can make the mountain roads of Huangshan more challenging and potentially hazardous.

The temperature will be much lower on the mountain. If you plan to stay overnight to witness the mesmerizing sunrise and sunset, it is essential to prioritize keeping warm.

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Winter snow will make the pine trees in Huangshan covered with rime
Huangshan tour
The sea of clouds in winter is more spectacular and misty

5. Hot Springs - Relax after Yellow Mountain Hiking

Huangshan's hot springs, also known as Piaoxue Hot Springs, originate from beneath the Purple Cloud Peak at an altitude of 850 meters. The water is primarily rich in heavy carbonates and can be consumed or used for bathing. According to legend, it is rumored that the Yellow Emperor achieved immortality by bathing in the hot springs of Huangshan. Therefore, the hot springs of Huangshan are also renowned as the "Spirit Springs."

Things to Do at Mount Huangshan

1. Hiking and Trekking

Hiking and trekking in Huangshan Mountain offer an opportunity to connect with nature, challenge yourself, and create unforgettable memories in one of China's most stunning mountain ranges. The mountain features numerous trails and paths that cater to different experience levels and preferences. The recommended hiking trails are explained in detail below.

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Hiking in the front mountain can be very challenging
Huangshan tour
Trekking in the back mountain can be flat and easy

2. Appreciate Sunrise and Sunset on the Mountain

The sunrise and sunset at Huangshan Mountain are truly worth witnessing. As the rosy glow intertwines with the peaks, sea of clouds, and pine trees, it creates a romantic landscape painting. Whether waiting for the break of dawn in the darkness or anticipating the nightfall in the setting sun's glow, it brings the observer a unique sense of tranquility and serenity. The harmonious interplay of light and nature at Huangshan Mountain offers a serene and peaceful experience that is truly captivating.

Best Viewing Locations of Sunrise: Lion Peak (狮子峰), Begin-to-believe Peak (始信峰), Stone Monkey Watching the Sea (猴子观海), Refreshing Terrace (清凉台), Purple Cloud Peak (丹霞峰), Bright Summit (光明顶)

Best Viewing Locations of Sunset: Bright Summit (光明顶), Lion Peak (狮子峰), Refreshing Terrace (清凉台), Purple Cloud Peak (丹霞峰), Fairy Walking Bridge (步仙桥), Cloud Dispelling Pavilion (排云亭)

Bright Summit (光明顶) is the best place to see both sunrise and sunset.

The different times to watch the SUNRISE and SUNSET:

Season Time for Sunrise Time for Sunset
Spring 5:30--6:00 16:00--19:00
Summer 4:40--5:10 16:00--19:00
Autumn 4:50--5:20 17:10--18:30
Winter 5:30--6:00 17:10--18:30

3. Take Photos of the Huangshan Wonders

Huangshan City was selected as one of the Hometowns of Photography in China (中国摄影之乡) by the China Photographers Association (中国摄影家协会) in 2022.

Huangshan's natural beauty and distinctive scenery have attracted photographers from both China and around the world, and its iconic granite peaks, ancient pine trees, the sea of clouds, and dramatic landscapes have long been a source of inspiration for photographers seeking to capture the beauty of nature.

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The morning glow of the sunrise makes Huangshan Mountain more beautiful in the sea of clouds
Huangshan tour
The sunset at Huangshan Mountain is also shocking and exciting

Best Scenic Areas in Huangshan Mountain

The Huangshan Mountain scenic area is usually divided into three parts: the Front Mountains (Jade Screen Scenic Area and Heavenly Sea Scenic Area ), the Back Mountains (North Sea Scenic Area and Songgu Valley), and the West Sea Grand Canyon (West Sea Scenic Area ).

1. The Front Mountains: Hard Trekking with Hundreds of Steps and Majestic Peaks

Visiting Time: 3 hours with Yuping Cable Car, 6 hours with trekking

Recommended Sights: Greeting Guest Pine (迎客松), Jade Screen Peak(玉屏峰), Celestial Capital Peak (天都峰), and Lotus Peak(莲花峰), Bright Summit, Hundred Ladders(百步云梯), Narrow Cliff (一线天).

Closest Cable Car: Yuping Cable Car, CN¥90, 10 minutes from Mercy Light Pavillion to Yuping.

The Front Mountain is renowned for its tallest peaks and the steep stairs, making it the most different hiking route in Huangshan Mountain. For visitors starting the tour from the Front Mountains, it is recommended to take the Yuping Cable Car. The stairs are steep and narrow, and in some areas, only one person is allowed to pass at a time. Along the way, you will encounter numerous peculiar rock formations and unique pine trees.

The first notable landmark you will meet is the Greeting Guest Pine. Continuing your climb, you will encounter the Hundred Ladders, a series of steps that lead you further up the mountain. The next highlight is the Narrow Cliff, an exhilarating section of the trail. Crossing the Turtle Fish Peak, you will eventually reach the pinnacle of your journey, the Bright Summit. This is the perfect vantage point to witness the awe-inspiring sunrise and sunset that Huangshan is renowned for.

Huangshan tour
Looking at Celestial Capital Peak from Lotus Peak
Huangshan tour
Looking at Lotus Peak from Celestial Capital Peak

2. The Back Mountains: Gentle and Comfortable Walking for Kids and Seniors

Visiting Time: 3 hours with Yungu Cable Car, 5 hours with trekking

Recommended Sights: Lion Peak (狮子峰), White Goose Ridge (白鹅岭), Begin-to-believe Peak (始信峰), Stone Monkey Watching the Sea (猴子观海), Refreshing Terrace (清凉台), Fly-over Stone (飞来石), Pen Flower Peak (梦笔生花), Paiyun Pavilion (排云楼)

Closest Cable Car: Yungu Cable Car, CN¥80, 10 minutes from Yungu Temple to White Goose Ridge

The Back Mountain is renowned for its twisted pines and bizarre rocks, and the steps are much more flat, making it the most comfortable hiking route in Huangshan Mountain. The Back Mountains are the best place to appreciate the sea of clouds and sunrise of Yellow Mountain as well as the Oddly-Shaped Rocks. The paths in the Back Mountains of Huangshan are relatively flat and gentle, making the descent easier and more comfortable.

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Pen Flower Peak
Huangshan tour
Begin-to-believe Peak

3. West Sea Grand Canyon: Thrilling Challenge for Adventures

Visiting Time: 2 hours with Xihai Cable Car, 5 hours with trekking

Recommended Sights: 1st Ring, 2nd Ring, Fairy-Walking Bridge

Closest Cable Car: Xihai Cable Car, CN¥100, 5 minutes from Paiyunxi to Tian Hai

The Xihai Grand Canyon is renowned for its untamed beauty and deep valleys, making it the highly recommended hiking route in Huangshan Mountain. The journey usually begins at the Cloud Dispelling Pavilion, where hikers embark on their descent into the canyon. Along the way, you traverse the mesmerizing 1st Ring and 2nd Ring, which are the highlights of the trail, showcasing the rugged and awe-inspiring landscape.

Upon reaching the bottom of the valley, you are presented with three options. You can either retrace the steps and ascend the same way they came, choosing the challenging path of returning. Alternatively, you can opt for the alternative route via the Sanxi Bridge and Fairy Walking Bridge, offering a different perspective as you make your way back to Tianhai, which will cost about 3 hours. Another option is to take the convenient Xihai Cable Car, which provides a scenic ride back to Tianhai Station.

It's important to note that the West Sea Grand Canyon is typically closed from December to April due to snowfall and maintenance, ensuring the safety and preservation of the area.

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The unfathomable West Sea Grand Canyon
Huangshan tour
West Sea Grand Canyon

How to Plan A Huangshan Mountain Hiking Tour

For a one-day trip plan, you’d better explore Huangshan Mountain via a round-way cable car to admire its wonders.

To enjoy more highlights at a comfortable pace as well as watch a sunset and sunrise, an overnight stay in the mountains is highly recommended.

1 Day Hiking Route (Without Overnight on the Mountain)

Scenic Area: Back Mountain + West Sea Grand Canyon 1st Ring

Route: Yungu Cable Way - Begin-to-believe Peak - Dispelling Cloud Pavilion -West Sea Grand Canyon - Bright Summit - Flying-over Rock

Walking Distance: about 7~9km/5~6 hrs

You will start your Huangshan trip from the Yungu Temple with the Yungu Cable Car (10min) to the Back Mountains. Then hike to the Begin-to-believe Peak to admire the sea of clouds. Head to the Dispelling Cloud Pavilion, along with Twisted and Ancient Pines and Oddly-Shaped Rocks. Hike into the West Sea Grand Canyon after lunch. The hike can be tailored to your energy level and time constraints; a 2-hour round-trip will get you to the 1st ring, while a 2.5-hour expedition will take you to the 2nd ring. Lastly, you will walk back to White Goose Ridge Station and descend the mountain by Yungu Cable Way.

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Hiking in Mt. Huangshan requires perseverance and persistence
Huangshan tour
Looking at the Celestial Capital Peak and Lotus Peak from Bright Summit

1.5 Days Hiking Route (Overnight on the Mountain)

Day 1 Mount Huangshan | Back Mountain, West Sea Grand Canyon

Route: Yungu Cable Way - Begin-to-believe Peak - Dispelling Cloud Pavilion -West Sea Grand Canyon - Bright Summit - Flying-over Rock

Walking Distance: about 7~9km/5~6 hrs

You will start your Huangshan trip from the Yungu Temple with the Yungu Cable Car (10min) to the Back Mountains. Then hike to the Begin-to-believe Peak to admire the sea of clouds. Head to the Dispelling Cloud Pavilion, along with Twisted and Ancient Pines and Oddly-Shaped Rocks. Hike into the West Sea Grand Canyon after lunch. The hike can be tailored to your energy level and time constraints; a 2-hour round-trip will get you to the 1st ring, while a 2.5-hour expedition will take you to the 2nd ring.

After, you have a couple of choices for watching the sunset: Cloud-Dispelling Pavilion or the higher-altitude Bright Summit.

Day 2 Mount Huangshan | Sunrise, Beihai Scenic Area

Route: Sunrise - Dawn Pavilion - Refreshing Terrace - Monkey Gazing at the Sea - Lion Peak - Yungu Cable Way

Walking Distance: about 3km/2 hrs

Get up early in the dark to watch the sunrise of the mountain. After the sunrise, get back to your hotel for breakfast. Then proceed to Lion Peak (1690m) to see the Dawn Pavilion, Refreshing Terrace, Stone Monkey Watching the Sea, and various shapes of pines and rocks along the route. Afterward, walk to the White Goose Ridge Cable Station to take the Yungu cableway down the mountain.

Huangshan tour
Climbing Mount Huangshan requires courage and courage
Huangshan tour
Huangshan in autum is charming

2 Days Hiking Route (Overnight on the Mountain)

Day One: Mount Huangshan | Front Mountain

Route: Yuping Cable Way - Greeting Guest Pine - One Hundred Cloud Ladder - One-Line-Sky - Bright Summit - Flying-over Rock - Cloud-Dispelling Pavilion

Walking Distance: about 11km/6 hrs

You will start your Huangshan trip from the Mercy Light Pavilion with the Yupin Cabel Car (10min) to Yupin station. Then begin your hiking to the Bright Summit which is the top area of the mountain. Along the way, you will meet the Greeting Guest Pine, One Hundred Cloud Ladder, and One-Line-Sky. After a short break, make your way to the hotel near Cloud Dispelling Pavilion. Sea of Clouds and the Flying-over Rock will shock you along the way.

Day Two: Mount Huangshan | Sunrise, West Sea Grand Canyon, Back Mountain

Route: Sunrise - West Sea Grand Canyon - Lion Peak - Begin-to-Believe Peak - Yungu Cable Way

Walking Distance: about 7km/5 hrs

Get up early in the dark to watch the sunrise of the mountain. After the sunrise, get back to your hotel for breakfast. After breakfast, it’s time for the grandeur of the West Sea Grand Canyon. The hike can be tailored to your energy level and time constraints; a 2-hour round-trip will get you to the 1st ring, while a 2.5-hour expedition will take you to the 2nd ring.

Then proceed to Lion Peak (1690m) to see the Dawn Pavilion, Refreshing Terrace, Stone Monkey Watching the Sea, and various shapes of pines and rocks along the route. Continue your hiking to the poetic Begin-to-Believe Peak, where you will take the Yungu Cable Car (8min) down the mountain.

Huangshan tour
Hiking in autumu is with much fun
Huangshan tour
It's relaxing to hiking to the top aera of the mountain

Best Time to Visit Huangshan Mountain

  Weather Forecast  

Huangshan Mountain is worth visiting all year round, particularly in spring (April to May) and autumn (September to November). During these months, the weather is generally mild and pleasant, making it comfortable for hiking and exploring the mountain.

In spring, the mountain is adorned with blooming flowers, creating a picturesque and vibrant landscape. The cherry blossoms and azaleas are particularly stunning during this time.

During summer, Huangshan offers a cool and pleasant retreat, making it an ideal destination to escape the heat.

Autumn brings breathtaking foliage as the leaves turn vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow. The cool temperatures and clear skies make it an ideal time to enjoy the panoramic views and take in the beauty of the surrounding nature.

In the cold winter, Huangshan Mountain transforms into a mesmerizing winter wonderland, with snow-covered vistas that resemble a picturesque painting. Winter is also the best time to appreciate the sunrise, sunset, the sea of clouds, and the winter snow.

Each season has its own unique charm, so best time to visit Huangshan ultimately depends on your personal preferences and the experience you wish to have.

It's important to note that Huangshan Mountain can be crowded during weekends and public holidays, especially during the peak seasons. To avoid large crowds, consider visiting on weekdays or during less busy months.

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Rhododendrons bloom in Huangshan Mountain in spring
Huangshan tour
The West Sea Grand Canyon in autumn is the most beautiful place in Huangshan

Where is Yellow Mountain in China and How to Get There?

Yellow Mountain is located in southern Anhui Province, which is near Hangzhou and Shanghai. It is situated near the city of Huangshan, which serves as the gateway to the mountain.

The scenic area is located approximately 60 kilometers away from the city center and is easily accessible via a well-connected highway, taking about one hour to reach. Here is a brief guide on how to get to Huangshan City:

By Air: Huangshan Tunxi International Airport (TXN) is the nearest airport to Huangshan City. It offers regular flights from major cities in China, such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. From the airport, You can take a taxi or a shuttle bus to reach the city center.

By High-speed Train: You can get to the Huangshan North Railway Station by taking a High-speed Train from Shanghai (3h), Hangzhou (1.5h), Beijing (7h), Xi'an (7.5h), or Chengdu(11.5h).

Huangshan tour
Huangshan is famous for its Ancient Pines
Huangshan tour
Huangshan's sunset is also adorable

Where to Stay in Mount Huangshan (Huangshan Hotel)

Staying overnight on the mountain makes your journey more relaxed, allowing ample time to witness the stunning sunrise, sunset, and the captivating sea of clouds.

The hotels on the mountain have relatively basic facilities, yet their room rates are much higher than those in cities as the food and goods are carried up by porters on foot. For environmental protection, these hotels do not provide free and disposable toiletries, but you can buy them.

Most tourists stay at the Back Mountains for leisure vacation, while hikers might stay at the Front Mountains for a trekking tour. Therefore, our suggested hotels are listed by location.

Hotels on the Front Mountain

1. Yupinglou Hotel (3-star): old with poor location, not recommended, from US$98

It is near the Yuping Cableway, close to the Greeting Guest Pine. It is not convenient for sunrise and sunset.

2. Baiyun Hotel (4-star): most popular hotel with a prime location, from US$130

Baiyun Hotel is located in the middle area of Huangshan Mountain, close to Bright Summit, which is the best place to see sunrises, sunsets, and seas of clouds all over the mountaintop. This hotel is highly popular among tourists, and as a result, it frequently reaches full occupancy.

Hotels on the Back Mountain:

1. Xihai Hotel (4-star): highly recommended, from US$120

Xihan Hotel is located near the Cloud Dispelling Pavilion (the best spot to see both sunrise and sunset), nestled against Purple Cloud Peak (the entrance of the Xihai Grand Canyon).

2. Huangshan Shilin Hotel (4-star): an old photography theme hotel, from US$98

It is located at an elevation of 1630 meters, nestled against Lion Peak with a surrounding pine forest. It will take 5 minutes to walk to Refreshing Terrace, which is the best spot to see sunrises.

3. Huangshan Paiyun Hotel (5-star): the best conditions and highest prices, from US$164

It is the most comfortable hotel on the mountaintop with the best facilities, standing just close to the Cloud Dispelling Pavilion. It is 5 minutes away from the Xihai Hotel.

Huangshan tour
Hotels on Huangshan Mountain are all in good locations
Huangshan tour
The cost for hotels on Huangshan Mountain is high

Tips for Visiting the Yellow Mountain

1. Choose the right season: Visit during spring (April to May) or autumn (September to October) for pleasant weather and beautiful scenery.

2. Wear comfortable shoes and dress in layers for hiking. Carry essentials like water, snacks, sunscreen, and a raincoat.

3. Consider staying overnight on the mountain for a serene experience and breathtaking sunrises/sunsets. Book accommodation in advance.

4. Take the cable car or hike the scenic trails based on your preference and fitness level.

5. Wake up early to witness the sunrise/sunset. Consult with locals for the best viewing spots.

6. Check the weather forecast and be prepared for changes. Some trails may be closed during bad weather.

7. Respect the environment by following designated paths and properly disposing of waste.

Huangshan tour
Bright Summit has an excellent location to watch the sunrise and sunset
Huangshan tour
Taking the cable car up and down the mountain will save a lot of time

Explore Huangshan with Local-based Asia Odyssey Travel

Headquartered in China with a local team based in Huangshan, Asia Odyssey Travel is dedicated to providing the best service and ensuring an authentic and unforgettable experience for those looking to explore Huangshan. Our local team offers a range of carefully designed tours, including classic Huangshan tours, Huangshan Hiking Tours, Huangshan Ancient Town Tours, Shanghai Huangshan tours, and Hangzhou Huangshan tours to meet your needs and desires, ensuring a pleasant holiday during your Huangshan tour. Our professional travel consultants are always ready to help you customize your Huangshan tour at the most favorable local prices. Contact us now to start planning your dream Huangshan trip!

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